The Only Thing I Regret About Learning All This Networking Stuff…
…is that I don’t have the time or energy left to learn programming.
It’s the one thing that makes me uncomfortable in my professional career is that I am acutely aware of how little I know in the programming sphere. I don’t know any languages enough to say I do. I can write and troubleshoot simple scripts in Python, Ruby, bash, etc. Get me in a situation where I have to code something from scratch to do more than a ping sweep of a network, and I’m scratching my head. It’s a bit like technical debt in that I’ve been putting it off for so long, and now it only gets harder to jump into it.
But where to go if I just want to get some programming background? If I was truly interested in it I would have been on top of it by now, and since I’m not, that’s the difficulty. I guess if a position or a project requires programming experience for me to be a good fit, then maybe I’m not meant for it?
Brb, I’m on r/proggit. #
I guess I could just jump in and learn it out of a PDF textbook like I started to years ago with Python. Or following online tutorials. But still, I could be learning a spoken language that way, or how to cook. I haven’t a present need for the actual skill.
So, I need a problem to fit a solution into! If you have suggestions, shoot them to me on Twitter, Facebook if you know me, or by email.