OSCP Nearing

The lab time is nearly done (ending tomorrow) and it is time to schedule my OSCP exam. It’s been a long time coming, it feels like.

I stand with 17 out of 40 machines compromised to root level in the student lab. I would have been happier with more boxes popped than that number, but I’ve certainly learned a lot since breaking into that very first machine. I don’t yet know if I’m ready to take on the challenge, but I’m taking it either way.

September 6th at 9a EDT. That’ll be a gruelling day. It remains to be seen if it’ll be gruelling just for me, or for the exam lab I’ll wreak havoc on.


Now read this

“#nmap -A” Doesn’t Cover Everything.

In my OSCP adventures, I’ve found a number of tools wonderfully helpful in learning about target computers. In a penetration test environment, the first thing I want to know is what kind of system we’re dealing with - what it’s likely... Continue →